At your service!

At THB Verhoef, we're dedicated to giving you the best support to keep ship's engines running smoothly. Our commitment goes beyond just good products; it includes helping our valued customers like you.

Our support team is here to answer your questions, give support when needed and find solutions. We know that the operational excellence of vessels are the most important. We do our utmost to support any customer in keeping their fleet in operation.

Terms and Conditions of Supply

Access essential information for seamless transactions. Click below to download the THB Verhoef Terms and Conditions of Supply, ensuring clarity and confidence in every business interaction.

Terms Of Delivery 2024

ISO 9001:2015 - Certificate of Approval

Quality is our cornerstone. Obtain proof of our commitment to excellence by downloading our ISO 9001 Certificate of Approval. Join us in upholding the highest standards in maritime engine parts and services.

DNV Certificate 9001

ISO 14001:2015 - Certificate of Approval

Quality is our cornerstone. Obtain proof of our commitment to excellence by downloading our ISO 14001 Certificate of Approval. Join us in upholding the highest standards in maritime engine parts and services.

DNV Certificate 14001

ISES Member - Certificate

Our mission is to connect ship-owners / Ship-managers with high Quality and ethical Service Providers worldwide Join us as we collaborate and drive innovation forward.

Certificate THB Verhoef Netherlands 2024

NMT Member - Certificate

Trade association Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) connects, represents and strengthens the maritime manufacturing industry of the Netherlands.

NMT Member Certificate